Written on: February 22, 2020
Author: Dee GodMother

“The All is Mind; The universe is Mental” -The Kybalion

`This basically means that the entire universe is mental. Everything that we think and put our energy into is what will manifest. Positive thoughts in return leads to positive manifestations. To understand the way this works you must first free yourself from what others think of you and the outside influences of the world. These outside influences can shape and change the way you think about yourself in return changing your reality. Everything we see first started off as a single thought. Which is why there is no such thing as an original thought. There has always been somebody else who thought of it before you.

Optimistic Viewpoints

    I never looked at myself as the lucky type. But over the years I realized that the reason why was because of the way I was 'looking at myself". I always had negative thoughts about any type of circumstance that took place in my life. I didn't have a optimistic viewpoint about anything. It was either gonna be really good or really bad. With the bad outweighing the good most of the time. I came to realization many years after being a young child that I needed to change my point of view and perspective. Instead of thinking of the worst possible outcome I would instead start thinking of the best. Indeed over time my life shifted and started to change for the better. Not only was I seeing myself in a new light but I was also able to see situations differently as well. Instead of nurturing thoughts that serve no well purpose for me; I started nurturing the thoughts that were. Immediately my life changed. One of the things many people fail to realize is that you are literally in control. You are in control of the way you think, speak, act etc. There was a time in my life where I thought nothing was gonna go swell for me. I was in a pit of despair and agony. No matter what I did or how I did it nothing worked out for me. Remember when I said keeping positive thoughts brings positive change. It's the same for negative ones. The more I thought negatively the more negative things started to happen to me. Not only did I change my way of thinking but also changed my way of speaking. Some people believe that we have no control over what happens in our lives and we should just enjoy the ride. But, I am here to tell you that, that is not true. There have been times where I think of something and the next thing I know it appears. Coincidence? Some would say but to me there is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything that happens and that is going to happen does so with purpose. Whether we want to believe it or not. There is no such thing as "chance". Everything happens due to cause and effect. "Chance" is for those who do not understand the Principles of Cause and Effect.

The Power of "I Am"

Fear and doubt are both man made emotions. We are not born fearful and we are not born doubtful. We are taught to doubt we are taught to fear. A 2 year old doesn't know that fire is hot. They also don't know that if they touch the fire it will cause harm. The 2 year old does not have fear of the fire and after touching it with their hand and being burned they have no doubt to do it again. After the first attempt as parents we usually say “HOT” or “Dangerous do not touch”  this is where we instill fear. This is where we teach them what should be feared and what should not. So get rid of fear for yourself and doubt that you cannot change your reality for yourself. Discard those hue-man emotions when it comes to what you want for yourself. Ask and you shall receive. If you want something, start your day off thinking about it. In your spare time write it down. In your mind say it over and over again. Remember to always be grateful. For the things that are meant for you will surely come. Writing down your manifestations is one of the most powerful things you can do. Starting your sentences off with ‘I AM’ not only attracts your desires but also attracts your needs as well. For example, “I Am Strong” “I Am Powerful” “I am Worthy''. These are all some of the  “I Am” affirmations that I say to myself daily. I can personally attest to the power of “I Am”. Whenever you manifest your thoughts keep them positive. You don't want bad thoughts to intrude brainwashing what you desire for yourself. This happens really easily due to so many outside circumstances poisoning our way of thinking. We hear enough bashing about people with melanin from our community. Therefore we must shape a positive resilient mind at home. So that when we are dropped into our community we are better equipped to handle the many difficult situations coming into play. In order to manifest successfully one must first learn that the “Universe is Mental”. 'The All' is the Mind" -The Kybalion. Once you grasp this concept you can manifest whatever reality you want for yourself. You understand that, you are in control. You are what makes and breaks opportunities and circumstances in your life. You are in the driver seat.

The Secret Spells of the English Language

People fail to realize “Words Cast Spells” which is why it is called “SPELLING ''. Coincidence? There are none. Spelling is the act of using words to manipulate energy. Much like traditional spells. In fact billions of years ago there was no such thing as spelling. For the longest people used pictures to communicate or to tell a story. Later "vowels" were introduced and after that words and after words to sentences and so fourth. English is a bastard language. All words derive and or comes from another language/word. Therefore most if not all English words have more than one meaning. For instance you have "Weekend" and "Weakened". "Mourning" and "Morning". Both said the exact same way yet they have two different meanings and two different spellings (also known as homophones). THE BODY DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE although you do. Therore, when you say "Good Morning". Does the body really know you mean "Good Morning" as in “a beautiful day in the am” or "Good mourning" as in “ a individual who is in a "good" state of mourning or weeping”?

  • You work all “week” just to get to the “weekend”. Does the body truly understand that you mean " a few days off from work" or does the body think "weakened" as in a lack of strength; or to become weaker in power?

     These words may seem harmless but in fact they hurt . "Weekend" and "weakened"? You work all "week" until you are tired and in a “weakened” state. Thus why we call it the "weekend". Same word with more than one meaning. And for some English words when you really start to research the etymology it can honestly become a bit mind boggling. To know that we have been tricked with word magic all these years.

    This is why you must watch the words you say. Words are so powerful. So choose them wisely. I also want to touch bases on 'cursing'. A lot of people do it yet have no idea of what they are really doing. WHICH IS CURSING THEIR LIFE AWAY. Now don't get me wrong I say shit I know I shouldn't all the time. I truly believe everyone needs to have a good balance of the Yin and Yang. Overdoing it is more so the problem. Some people use a curse word just about every other sentence and then wonder why they are catching hell. Heaven and hell is a state of mind. Change the way you think and the rest will follow. Life is already hard enough for the melanin beings of this planet. Don't make it any harder than it has to be. Stop cursing yourself.

Sometimes Spitting is Necessary

(I will tell you one simple spell for someone who has wronged you. If you have someone who is being ill to you and you want them to learn their lesson. Next time an altercation occurs “curse them flat out” literally curse them out using “You” phrases never “I”  and after spat on the ground. By spitting on the ground you not only deflect those curse words away from you. You also push them towards your opponent. Sealing it with your intentions. This is why in movies you may have seen someone curse a person out followed by spitting on the ground. It is to be said that your opponent was now cursed with bad luck until they right their wrongs with you. I'm not telling you this in order to cause harm to another. No, I'm telling you this so that you can provide protection for yourself. Who better to look out for you than you.)

     (I was never told the power of “I Am” and the many benefits that come from knowing the power of “I Am”.  Understanding “I Am” is understanding the power of self.)

Write and Speak It into Existence 

    Another wonderful strategy for manifestation includes writing. One of the many things I do when manifesting big desires is write them down. Writing it down and then reading it out loud is a wonderful way to manifest things quickly into reality. If you know cursive handwriting, writing your manifestations in cursive makes them more powerful and even more potent. For many years cursive handwriting was taught in the school systems. But overtime occult instructors and spiritualists became hip to the many benefits of cursive writing during spiritual work in return causing many schools to remove cursive handwriting from the curriculum. (Now I do understand that there may be other reasons as to why they removed cursive hand writing from schools. With the two reasons I listed being amongst them.) Later stating that cursive handwriting wasn't needed. Which made no sense to me when every time we have to sign a document or anything for that matter it is done in cursive. Yet cursive is no longer taught? Some people have no idea how to write their names in cursive which leads them to the traditional first letter and than scribble. (Its not called "cursive" for no reason) Keep your thoughts as positive as possible while doing this. When writing your manifestations write them in a sense as if you already own it. As if it is already yours for the taking. Claim it. IT IS ALREADY YOURS. Be grateful for it in advance. And after you receive what you ask for again mention how grateful you are for it.

     Manifestation is simply just creation. The Kybalion states that creation is simply “Contemplation and Meditation” wrapped into one. Contemplation means “deep thought or the act of looking at something thoughtfully for a long period of time”. While meditation is “the act of meditating on a specific thought for a specific period of time”. Notice both involves concentrating or giving your undivided attention to something for a period of time. This is also true for manifestation. Manifestation is simply creation at its grossest form of matter. So get lost in your meditation. Providing your ''Undivided Attention” is key. Attention derives from the Latin root word meaning “to reach out; to stretch out”. The act of providing “Undivided Attention” really is just a mental “reaching out” of mental energy. And just like most manifestations the 'creator' and the 'created' merge together to become one. The "creator" claiming that which he or she "created".

It is now yours. ASE'

(This is just a work-up of all strategies I personally use during manifestation that have left me with rewarding results. I DO NOT own the rights to any photographs on this bog. Photography on this blog is used for education/informational purposes only. I DO NOT own rights to the YouTube video posted on this blog. That video is to be used for educational/informational purposes only.)


2017. The Kybalion & The Emerald Tablet of Hermes: two essential texts of Hermetic Philosophy. Aziloth Books, pp.Pg: 28-31 Pg:64-67.

Chang, P., 2021. Word Magic: How Words Are Used as Magic Spells | (by Pao Chang). [online] Available at: <,a%20spell%20without%20even%20being%20aware%20of%20it.> [Accessed 1 March 2021].

Eikerenkoetter, F., 1982. Rev. Ike's secrets for health, happiness, and prosperity--for you!. New York, N.Y.: F. Eikerenkoetter, p.Entire book was considered.

Ra Un Nefer Amen., 2003. Maat. Brooklyn, NY: Khamit Media Trans Visions, p.The entire book was studied by me. I did not use direct information from this book. Although I did use what I learned to formulate and construct promising manifestation skills.


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