Written on: February 22, 2020 Author: Dee GodMother “The All is Mind; The universe is Mental” -The Kybalion `This basically means that the entire universe is mental. Everything that we think and put our energy into is what will manifest. Positive thoughts in return leads to positive manifestations. To understand the way this works you must first free yourself from what others think of you and the outside influences of the world. These outside influences can shape and change the way you think about yourself in return changing your reality. Everything we see first started off as a single thought. Which is why there is no such thing as an original thought. There has always been somebody else who thought of it before you. Optimistic Viewpoints I never looked at myself as the lucky type. But over the years I realized that the reason why was because of the way I was 'looking at myself". I always had negative thoughts about any type of circumstance that took place in my life.